Things About Me

My name is Preston, and my last name is unknown. I have no friends or family. All I have is my Games and my saved progress in all of my games. Now lets get to the point I am 15 I think so anyway. I love to play video games or anything game related. My hobbies are playing games I have none actually. I have friends or maybe not, to be honest I am not sure. I am learning how to ask for help, the reason I am not comfortable with asking for help is because I just don't like to.

More Things About Me

I am kinda active and my personality depends on my mood. I am short and retarded I mean knowledgeable. I play on PC and PS4 and mainly play shooter games but I can play anything really. This is a blog about myself, I had to do this for a grade, but at this same time this was a waste of my time.